Sucesión abintestato
La sucesión abintestato se recoge en los artículos


Section 2303
Person entitled to a compulsory share of the estate; amount of the share
(1) If a descendant of the testator is excluded by disposition mortis causa from succession, then they may demand their compulsory share from the heir. The compulsory share is one-half of the value of the intestate portion.
(2) The parents and spouse of the testator have the same right if they have been excluded from succession by disposition mortis causa. The provision of section 1371 remains unaffected.
Section 2309
Right of parents and remoter descendants to a compulsory share
Remoter descendants and the parents of the testator are not entitled to a compulsory share to the extent that a descendant who would exclude them in the event of intestate succession is entitled to demand a compulsory share or accepts whatever has been left them.